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Character Names

If you are writing a book, and you are stuck on thinking up some ideas for your characters names, then read this.

You can name them after some of your favorite foods. For example, Cookie, Sugar, Peanut, ect. You can name any character after plants and flowers. For example, Rose, Primrose, Clover, ect. You can also name your characters after different types of weather. For Example, Rain, Storm, Thunder, Snow, you can even name them after seasons, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Fall.

Book Ideas

Some book ideas for Fantasy and Realistic Fiction.


1. Main character finds a tree, and they see a door in it. They go through the door, and discover a magical world.

2. Main character gets a new pet, pet has powers.

3. Character finds out they have powers, they use their powers to defeat evil.

4. Main character moves into a mysterious new house.

5. Main character finds a mysterious gem/rock.

Realistic Fiction

1. Main Character is in a new school.

2. Main character wins a competition. (soccer, basketball, ect.)

3. Main character gets a new pet.

4. Main character's best friends moves away.

Book Titles

Here are some tips that will help you think of a title for your book.

1. The Main characters name

2. The place they live in

3. Their pets name

4. An important person in the book.

5. An important object in the book.